Thursday 31 May 2012

Favorite hobby

Interior-freak as I am, I like to sit down with a good interior magazine and suck in the inspiration the many pages holds. I love to pick ideas from here and there, mix and match, and thinking about how I want to decorate and arrange my house or apartment when I get one on my own.

My favorite magazines are the Norwegian's "BoligDrøm" and "BoligPluss", and the Danish "Jeanne D'arc Living".

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Pretty dress

The nice weather continues, and I cannot be more pleased! Today, after work, I bought this lovely sundress to be my best friend this summer. The store had only large sizes left, but I took a chance, and hey! It fits! It is slightly longer than it would be in my regular size, but I think that makes it look a little 50's style. I am very happy, nevertheless, and I think this can work with some small modifications.

Have a great day!

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Yummy in my tummy

I had my first of two Norwegian exams today, so yesterday I put on my homemade apron and wipped up some "deaux couleur" muffins to enjoy while trying to make up something smart to write. The blue powdered sugar mix made the finishing touch, and I have downed several of these bad boys already. Yummy in my tummy!

Monday 28 May 2012


My cousin got me this awesome gift in London. She know about my obsession for moustaches, and thought I would like these fingerstaches. Score! I love them!

Sunday 27 May 2012

At the beach

Renate, who is a friend of mine, and I wiped the dust out of our bikes today and went to the beach. I had such a good time and the weather was super nice! We even had a little barbeque!

I've also tried a little more of a new thing I recently read about: Taking pictures through my sunglasses! I think the effect is cool and it reminds me of a filter you can apply in Picasa and polaroid pictures. I like it!

Friday 25 May 2012


A friend of mine invited me to a BBQ-party tonight, and I'm so excited! I look forward to eat good food and being with nice people!

Thursday 24 May 2012

Life is good!

I hang out with people who stays up talking 'till long after the sun went down, and who doesn't mind getting a little drunk on a wednesday. I go to bed late and get up even later, I eat ice cream for breakfast and spend most of my time kissing the guy I like. Life is good!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Gotta love it!

Now that we finally have got sunny and warm weather here where I live, I have to enjoy it. Today I have handed out job applications and had a barbeque with some friends. I have been so happy lately! I love it!

Sunday 20 May 2012

Not long now

Då er det dags for eksamen i morgon! Eg kom opp i biologi og held no på å lese meg opp på pensum. Det er ikkje enkelt når det er så fint vêr ute, men eg trøstar meg med litt sjokolade.

//Tomorrow is the day of my first written exam in grade 13, and I have been given the subject of biology. I am currently studying the curriculum, but I find it hard to fucus. I hope a little chocolate will help me!

Friday 18 May 2012

Thank God It's Friday!

My friday has been so nice! Good breakfast, popsicle, homemade kebab, good friends, candy, movies and chocolate covered strawberries. What a wonderful day!

Thursday 17 May 2012

National Day

Klokka åtte i dag tidleg hadde eg vore våken i 24 timar. Vi festa heile natta lang, rydda festområdet og år eit fantastisk russefrukost. Etter obligatorisk 17. mai-tog, is-eting og utgjeving av utallige russekort er russetida endeleg over. Ein månad med festing, russeknutar og pengebruk har gått hardt ut over ei stakkars jente, og på måndag byrjar eksamenar. Huff og huff!

//Today is the norwegian national day! I've had a lot of fun, but I am very tired due to lack of sleep. Hooray for Norway!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

On my reading list er skriven av vakraste Veronica. Ho skriv så sårt og ærlig at ein får vondt i hjartet. I tillegg til å ta fantastiske bilder har ho dei finaste tatoveringane. Besøk henne da vel!

//Veronica, in addition to being beautiful, is the author of the blog She writes short text that makes my heart ache and has the prettiest tattoos. Pay her a visit!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

This and that

Polsk snop, russeknutar og ørlite grande sol er absolutt ikkje gale på ein tysdag! I natt skal eg trosse forkjølelsen og sove på skulen. Siste innspurt på russeknutar no!

// Nice things on a tuesday: polish candy, dares and a little bit sun.

Sunday 13 May 2012

The Maine - Like we did

Yeah, you were dancing to your favorite song 
And all my friends, oh they were singing along  
We got down, we got high  
Oh, the moment felt so right 
So let's run free and carry on 
Like we did when we were young

Saturday 12 May 2012

Chilling out at home

I kveld skal eg ta det rolig med litt snop og film på tv. Det gjekk litt hardt for seg i går, så eg har lyst å slappe av og komme til hektene igjen.

//Tonight I'm going to just chill out and eat a little candy and watch a movie. Love it!

Friday 11 May 2012

Off to party

No er det ikkje lenge til eg reiser til Breim på landstreff med mange andre russ. Gleda meg!

//I'm soon off to a russ party! Can't wait!

Thursday 10 May 2012

The Moomins are a family of white and roundish trolls that lives in the Moominvalley

Søtaste Olin gav med forsinka bursdagsgåve i dag, og gjett om den traff midt i blinken! Koppar er noko av det finaste eg veit, så desse var velkomne i samlinga mi!

//Olin, that sweetie, gave me a late birthday present. Look at those cute mugs! A nice addition to my collection.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Life through my phone

I det siste har eg:
- fått en ny venn. Piggy!
- tatt ein ny russeknute.
- ete ein god lunsj med natronkake, is og fersken/mango-te
- piffa opp rommet med blomster (ugras?)

//four pics from my life lately.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Even the sun sets in Paradise

Maroon 5 - Payphone

Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream

Det var godt å komme heim etter ein tur i regnet og sette seg ned med ei skål mint&sjokoladebit-is. Det smakte ekstra godt i ei fin skål, og var verken for mykje eller for lite!

//Mint chocolate chip ice cream in my new bowl helped lighten the mood on a rainy day.